PO Box 1175
Big Sandy, TX 75755

Join Our Team!

Welcome to the 2018-2019 athletic season and an invitation to join the Big Sandy Athletic Booster Club. The Booster Club works alongside the Athletic Department to help each and every team achieve a great overall athletic experience. The Booster Club supports many sports in grades 7-12. These sports include football, volleyball, basketball, cross country, tennis, baseball, softball and track. The booster club financially supplements the costs the school district is unable to cover. Booster Club funds are earned through concession sales, donations, and volunteer work. There are several ways to support the Booster Club. Attending meetings, helping with concessions and just being available when needed are a few of the ways to help. It is a great opportunity to be involved in the activities of your athlete. Your volunteer hours will also go towards a scholarship from the Athletic Booster Club when your athlete graduates. If you are willing to help, please email us at or contact Kirby Pippins (903) 736-2735 or Shamel Shipman at (903) 570-2891. Any help is greatly appreciated!

2017-2018 Officers

President – Kirby Pippins
Secretary – Mandi Byrd
Treasurer – Shamel Shipman

Vice Presidents:

Valerie Duraso
Summer McCartney
Britney McCleveland